Visit DAPU

In 2010, CMS established DAPU, which stands for Dande Anti Poaching Unit in an effort to stem the rise of poaching in the Dande where in one year we found over 40 poached elephant not to mention lots of general meat poaching that was having drastic effects on our game populations.

DAPU started as a small, under equipped four-man team. Our major focus was to remove the cruel, inhumane and highly efficient snares that were quickly depleting Dande of its game. Over time, we have grown DAPU into a crack unit of twenty-two rangers dedicated to this task. We are extremely proud of our accomplishments. To date, we have removed over 15000 snares and arrested hundreds of poachers and as a result the hunting in the Dande is as good as it has ever been.

For more info on our anti poaching unit please click here.